Mom asked me yesterday what kind of birthday cake I want this year but I could not think of any cake that I had to have. One of my sisters went to a filipino bakery this morning and grab things that I normally like. For dessert we had, clockwise left to right turon, karioka, kalamay, bibingka cake and brazo de mercedes.
I opened my presents after brunch. I must say, as always, I made out like a bandit. Got some cash, lottery tickets, clothes and cards with heartwarming thoughts from my family. Then I popped my favorite muscat, so yummy!!!
Just a small bottle, after all I have to be in church at 4:00. Ian serves at the mass every third Saturday of the month. We had some time before church and the girls wanted to play mahjong, so we drank and played.

Then it was off to church.
Only thing left to do now is indulge in my personal tradition of sipping Champagne cocktail on my birthday, a toast and thanksgiving for all the blessings that was bestowed upon me.
Cheers everyone!!!
Wanted to add the note my 13-year old son gave me. So sweet!
Happy Birthday Auntie! I wish I could have stayed last night so I could have played Mah-Jong- I mean celebrated your birthday with you lol. If you really wanna eat stinky fish all you gotta do is come visit us, mom makes those all the time, just don't tell our neighbors where the stinky smell is coming from! Anywhoo it looks like you had a great birthday, see you soon and I'll have your presents for you, from my work of course, so you'll have to see whether I get you an awesome coat or a couch :)